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Event Settings

The Event Settings dialog contains all events that can trigger a camera action.


Avoiding False Alarms

Event Logic

In order to filter events, the camera provides an Event Logic: This dialog allows linking events to create logic events only if the linked events occur in a certain sequence and within the specified time frame.

Event Counter

Another possibility to filter events is the Event Counter: It creates an event only if a certain number of events occurs within the specified time frame.

General Settings

Option Description
Event Dead Time

The event dead time defines a period of time (0 .. 3600 s) after an event during which no new events are recognized.

By defining an event dead time you can avoid, for example, that a complex action (person walks through the active image area) triggers multiple events.

Note: During an event dead time no images are stored, the event counter is not incremented and neither actions nor messages are performed.

Event Sensor Description

Event sensor Description
Passive Infrared Detector (PI)

The passive infrared detector registers warm moving objects within the sensor area. The sensor reaches about 10 meters (34 ft.) and has a field of view of ± 15°.

Use the trigger level to define when an event is triggered.

Activate the level meter in the Text and Display Settings dialog and select PIR Detector as source. The level meter helps you find the best possible trigger level for your application.

Video Motion Window (VM/VM2)

The video motion sensor reacts to movements in certain image areas, called "video motion windows". You can define one or more independent video motion windows for each image sensor (camera lens).

Open the Video Motion Detection help page for a detailed description of the parameters and application examples of this sensor.

Microphone (MI)

The camera's integrated microphone reacts to noises in the camera's perimeter.

If the trigger level is exceeded, an event is triggered if the noise lasts longer than the minimum period of time defined.

Activate the level meter in the Text and Display Settings dialog and select Microphone as source. The level meter helps you find the best possible trigger level for your application.

Note: This feature is not available for Web and Basic models.
Signal Input (SI)

The camera's signal input can trigger an event. For example, you can connect the door bell with the signal input so that an event is triggered when the bell is rung.


open (high) Triggers an event if the contact is open.
closed (low) Triggers an event if the contact is closed.
Rising (low to high) Triggers an event if the contact is being opened (rising signal flank).
Falling (high to low) Triggers an event if the contact is being closed (falling signal flank).
Change (Rising or Falling) Triggers an event if the state of the contact changes (rising or falling signal flank).

De-Bounce Time

This interval prevent the signal input from switching to fast (e.g. if the bell button is being pressed in quick succession).

Note: This feature is not available for Web and Basic models.
Second Signal Input (SI2)
Third Signal Input (SI3)
Fourth Signal Input (SI4)

You can set the pins of the RS232 interface for these three additional signal inputs:

  • Signal Input (pin 9-5): The event is triggered if the signal input of the camera on pins 9 and 5 of the serial interface (RS232) is being closed.
  • CTS Signal (pin 8-5)*: The event is triggered if the camera receives the CTS signal on pins 8 and 5 of the serial interface (RS232).
  • DSR Signal (pin 6-5)*: The event is triggered if the camera receives the DSR signal on pins 6 and 5 of the serial interface (RS232).
  • RxD Signal (pin 2-5)*: The event is triggered if the camera receives the RxD signal on pins 2 and 5 of the serial interface (RS232).

*In order to use these signal inputs, the Serial Interface option in the Serial Interface and Modem Setup dialog has to be set to Data and the Mode has to be set to I/O Mode.

De-Bounce Time

This interval prevent the signal input from switching to fast (e.g. if the bell button is being pressed in quick succession).

Note: This feature is not available for Web and Basic models.
Periodic Event (PE) The periodic event is a simple version of a time-controlled event. Use this event if you would like to create events in intervals < 1 minute.
  • Select an interval unit.
  • Set the duration of the interval.
Time Task (TT)

Time tasks are controlled by tasks that you can create and manage in the Time Tasks dialog.

Activate this option in order to execute time tasks.

User Click (UC)

This will allow triggering events manually by clicking on the UC Event softbutton.

Activate this option if the camera should react to these events.

Recording Begin (RB) Triggers an event if the camera starts a recording.
Recording End (RE) Triggers an event if the camera ends a recording.
Recording History (RH) Triggers an event if the camera records a history image.
Recording Terminate (RT) Triggers an event if the Terminate Recording function of the camera stops recording to "freeze" the recorded images and to protect them from being overwritten.
Buttons (BT)

You can trigger an event manually by pressing one ore more keys on the camera body.

Define which camera key or which combination of keys will trigger an event.

Left Button (BL)

You can trigger an event manually by pressing the left key on the camera body.

Right Button (BR)

You can trigger an event manually by pressing the right key on the camera body. Note that the camera will not announce its network data any more if you activate this option.

IP Receive (RC) The camera can trigger an event when it receives an IP notification via TCP/IP:
  • Set the port at which you expect the notification.
  • Select the type of check:
    String Compare The event is triggered if the received text is identical to the text entered here.
    Regular Expression The event is triggered if the received text matches the regular expression entered here.
  • Enter the text or the regular expression.
Note: This feature is not available for Web and Basic models.
COM In (CI) The camera can trigger an event when it receives a message via the serial interface (RS232).
  • Select the type of check:
    String Compare The event is triggered if the received text is identical to the text entered here.
    Regular Expression The event is triggered if the received text matches the regular expression entered here.
  • Enter the text or the regular expression.

If you perform a binary comparison, you need to enter special characters as hex notations according to the ASCII code.


Character Hexadecimal notation
? %3F
= %3D
Note: This feature is not available for Web and Basic models.
Temperature (TP)

The integrated temperature sensor can trigger an event when the actual temperature is higher or lower than the value entered here:

  • Specify whether the event is to be triggered when the the actual value is higher or lower than the entered value.
  • Enter the temperature that is to trigger the event.
  • Select the unit.
  • Define how often the event is to be triggered:
    First The event is triggered only once, i.e. when the condition is first detected.
    Every The event is triggered every time as long as the condition is true.
Note: This feature is not available for Web and Basic models.
Illumination (IL)

The image sensors can trigger an event if the illumination is higher or lower than the value entered here:

  • Select the image sensor to be used for this event (only available on dual lens models).
  • Specify whether the event is to be triggered when the the actual value is higher or lower than the entered value.
  • Enter the illumination value that is to trigger the event.
  • Define how often the event is to be triggered:
    First The event is triggered only once, i.e. when the condition is first detected.
    Every The event is triggered every time as long as the condition is true.
Note: This feature is not available for Web and Basic models.
Random Event (RD)

The camera can trigger an event at a random point in time.

Enter the number of random events per hour. This value represents the average number of events to be triggered per hour for a longer period.

Valid values: 0.0001 to 500.0000. Default value: 1.000 (1; these values are displayed with a decimal point, a comma works in the same manner).

Note: This feature is not available for Web and Basic models.

Konfiguration sichern

Klicken Sie auf Setzen, um die Einstellungen zu aktivieren und bis zum nächsten Neustart der Kamera zu sichern.

Beenden Sie den Dialog durch Klick auf Schließen. Hierbei wird geprüft, ob Änderungen der Gesamtkonfiguration vorliegen. Ist dies der Fall, werden Sie gefragt, ob die Gesamtkonfiguration dauerhaft gesichert werden soll.

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